What is Better, A Leather or Cloth Sofa?

A sofa is most likely the first thing you buy in a new house. It is where you spend most of your time and even take a nap on it during the day. To get the most out of your sofa, you must buy the best quality, which brings us to an important question: leather or cloth (fabric) sofa, which is better? 

The riddle around leather versus cloth sofa has been taking place for a long time. So today we are going to play the devil’s advocate and see if we can finally lay to rest this argument. 

Overall considerations 

Let us begin by saying; both sofas are reasonable depending on circumstances and your needs. Also, both sofas have their negatives, so it is not about what is best and what is not best. It all about looking at the benefits of each sofa and decide which one is right for you. Some people have had great experiences with the fabric sofa while some have had a great experience with a leather sofa. So it may not be helpful to consider other people’s experiences and opinions. 

The most important considerations for you are maintenance, durability, appearance, cost, and the level of comfort. 

You are going to be using your sofa every day for several years, so the above considerations are vital. 

Cloth vs Leather sofas 


Cloth sofas 

Fabric sofas come to a broader spectrum compared to leather as there are numerous different types of fabric but only a few types of leather.


The level of comfort for cloth sofas obviously varies depending on the fabric, as well as the frame and support system of the couch. But generally, cloth sofas are usually much more comfortable compared to their leather counterparts. 

There are many reasons for this. 

For starter, the fabric is generally softer, warmer compared to leather as well as comfortable even during the hot months. Leather sofas, on the other hand, can get so hot and feel sticky during hotter months and they become cold and firmer in winter. 

The second reason is that, since the fabric is softer, you will receive your sofa ready to use. You don’t have to sit on it for days or even weeks for the cushions to become comfortable. 


How frequent you take care of your cloth sofa depends on the quality of the fabric used. High-quality material will be resilient to wear and tear. Also, most manufacturers tend to treat their cloth sofas with a stain-resistant coating. This means you can quickly steam clean any spillage or use your specialty cleaning product. 

Another reason why it is easy to take care of cloth sofa is that fabric is not affected by scratches, unlike leather. So you can relax when your pets and kids jump up and down your couch. 


There are almost unlimited patterns, colors, and textures when it comes to fabric. Thus, you are much likely to find a cloth sofa that matches with your existing interior décor. You can choose a couch with fun and bright patterns and colors or calming neutral.

Value for money 

In terms of value for money, you can never go wrong with a cloth sofa. While top-notch fabric and support are expensive, you will pay more for the same couch in leather. 

Leather sofas 

Leather sofas always look stylish and are durable compared to cloth sofa. Bonded leather can also share the same characteristics.


A leather sofa can be a great addition to your home. It has an individual taste that cannot be found in the cloth sofa. Leather sofas are usually timeless and trendy than cloth sofas, so if the look is what you are after; a leather sofa will be a great option. 


One of the most practical advantages of leather sofas is that they don’t harbor pet dander, dust mites, or any other allergens compared to cloth sofas. 


Both leather and cloth sofas require deficient maintenance care. But it will depend on you the room. Leather is usually easy to clean, and all you need is light dust or rub down, and it is all good. 

Cloth sofa, on the other hand, will require some vacuuming and deep cleaning more often. 

Leather sofas are durable and can last for many decades if you take good care of it. However, while it doesn’t require regular attention, you still have to condition your leather sofa consistently to keep the splits and cracks at bay.